Clearly, the procedure instituted by the European Parliament against Hungary under Article 7 is a biased campaign against Hungary and the Hungarian government which is induced by “Soros organisations”, the Minister of State for International Communication and Relations of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister stated on the Tuesday evening programme of the public service television news channel M1.

Zoltán Kovács spoke to the public service television news channel regarding the fact that on Tuesday another hearing was held in the General Affairs Council as part of the investigation of the state of the rule of law in Hungary. He said, “the chorus of Soros organisations lined up this morning”.

“Soros organisations” are issuing ever further reports about Hungary, and as a result, it is impossible to bring this political campaign disguised as a legal procedure to a conclusion, he added.

He mentioned as an example that Justice Minister Judit Varga and Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics answered the questions asked in vain; sparked by “Soros organisations” they were asked further and further questions.

Mr Kovács said this means that people and organisations “forming part of the Soros universe” have a vested interest in this being a never-ending process. In other words, “they are attacking us” due to Hungary’s different position regarding the issue of migration, he said.

In his view, this only serves to break trust among EU Member States at a time when Europe is facing challenges that would require unity and cooperation.

In this context, the Minister of State drew attention to the fact that for four years the European Union has been unable to make up its mind and decide about the management of migration and the effective protection of European borders.

“We should have no illusions, we have been singled out”; however, even in this situation the Hungarian government will not compromise on the protection of European borders, Mr Kovács said.