The Saturday demonstrations indicate that the campaign of the European parliamentary (EP) elections has begun, and George Soros, too, has started mobilising his resources, the government spokesperson stated at a press conference held in Budapest.

István Hollik took the view that it is absolutely obvious that the amendment of the Labour Code is only an excuse.

The Hungarian government does not wish to concern itself with Soros’s campaign, but finds it regrettable that there are some trade unions which “assist” with the campaign of “pro-immigration forces”, he said.

In answer to a question, Mr Hollik said there is no further development in the case of Ahmed H., they are continuing to negotiate with Cyprus. Until the talks are brought to a conclusion, the Syrian man will remain in immigration detention, he added.

The government spokesperson said they find it hypocritical and repulsive that those who stood up for the release of Ahmed H. earlier, including Dutch Green Party politician Judith Sargentini, are not queuing up to take in the Syrian man.

“This whole case somewhat resembles the way George Soros is protesting against the fence, whilst he has, as a matter of course, his own house surrounded with a fence,” Mr Hollik said.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)