The departing Brussels Commission will complete the remaining dirty work on behalf of pro-immigration forces – Reaction to the procedures announced by the European Commission today.

The procedures against Hungary which were announced today seek to put extra pressure on Hungary’s immigration policy. The departing Brussels Commission will complete the remaining dirty work on behalf of pro-immigration forces.

They seek to achieve that Hungary withdraw the Stop Soros legislative package, its tightened immigration rules, and eliminate the transit zone which is key to the protection of our borders. All of these legal rules serve to enforce the will of the Hungarian people, defence against illegal migration and the protection of Europe and Hungary, and therefore the government is ready to face any procedure. We reject the lies about the care provided for asylum seekers. Those staying in the transit zones receive care that fully complies with the relevant regulations, and those submitting asylum requests are entitled to full care until the end of the asylum proceedings. At the same time, we sincerely hope that, in contrast to its predecessor, the new European Commission to be formed in November will not use legal procedures as a means of exerting political pressure, and rather than seeking to organise immigration, it will make every effort to stop it. Member States defending Europe should be helped, not punished.