The Hungarian government will not allow a terrorist to walk freely in the territory of Hungary because he continues to pose a threat to the security of the Hungarian people, Government Spokesperson István Hollik said on Friday in Budapest in connection with the release of Ahmed H.

Mr Hollik pointed out that Ahmed H. will be released after he has completed the part required by law of his five-year sentence. He was given this sentence because he attacked Hungarian police officers who were defending the border, and incited the illegal migrants gathered around him to follow suit, the government spokesperson highlighted.

Mr Hollik said that as he poses a threat to the security of the Hungarian people, the authorities have decided to expel him from the country. This plan, however, can only be implemented if there is a country – based on international conventions – which takes him in.

According to the government spokesperson’s communication, the Hungarian government has contacted the authorities of Cyprus as Ahmed H. is a resident of Cyprus. Negotiations are ongoing, and until they are brought to a successful conclusion, Ahmed H. will be kept in immigration detention.

In answer to a question, he said the lawsuit instituted in the case of Ahmed H. is nothing other than a paid campaign of Soros organisations, this is how they are trying to obtain money from Hungarian taxpayers.

On 1 February the Metropolitan Tribunal will deliver a verdict in the civil lawsuit which was brought by Ahmed H., a Syrian national, convicted in another case, against the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister due to one of the questions of the national consultation launched against the Soros plan.

In 2016 the man was sentenced to ten years in prison at first instance, on an appealable basis, due to an act of terrorism as a participant of the mass riot which took place at the Röszke border crossing station in 2015. In the autumn of 2018, he was eventually given a five-year prison sentence on a final and non-appealable basis. The court decided a few days ago that after the completion of two-thirds of his sentence, 40 months, on 19 January he would be released with conditions and expelled from the country at the same time.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)