The second hearing to be held on Tuesday in the European Union’s General Affairs Council regarding the procedure instituted against Hungary under Article 7 is an ideologically-driven campaign disguised as a relentless legal procedure, the Minister of State for International Communication and Relations at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister concluded in an article published on About Hungary’s website.

In reference to the ministerial hearing that started in Brussels, Zoltán Kovács stated we must be aware that in actual fact “this is the Soros chorus, the self-appointed band of unelected NGOs and their left-liberal co-conspirators in Brussels”.

“The Soros chorus is ready to take centre stage,” he posted in a Twitter message.

He pointed out that Hungary has always been ready to cooperate with the EU in resolving these matters, but it became clear that, in fact, this is a politically charged process orchestrated as an act of revenge by the European Parliament’s pro-migration majority due to the fact that since 2015 Hungary and the Hungarian people have continuously rejected the policy of pro-immigration forces.

“They are attacking us because we said no to migration,” the Minister of State said.

In September 2018 the European Parliament adopted a position based on Green Party MEP Judith Sargentini’s report in which she recommended that the council establish on the basis of Article 7(1) of the Treaty on European Union that there is a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the core values of the EU.

The report levelled criticisms in the context of the state of the rule of law in Hungary, including among others the functioning of the constitutional and electoral systems, the independence of the judiciary, corruption, freedom of opinion, and academic freedom.

The Hungarian government dismissed the Sargentini report and its adoption as a politically motivated revenge with which the European Parliament’s pro-immigration majority punished Hungary due to its position rejecting migration and the mandatory quotas.