“Left-wing liberal, pro-immigration politics has occupied the European institutions and is using them for its own goals, not only during an election campaign, but also prior to it”, State Secretary for International Communications and Relations Zoltán Kovács declared in Brussels on Monday.

In a statement to Hungarian reporters, Mr. Kovács said: “The Hungarian Government is expecting nothing good from Wednesday’s European Parliament debate on Hungary, which it regards as an obviously political campaign and part of a witch-hunt that has already begun against Hungary”.

“No new point-of-view and no new event justifies the European Parliament placing Hungary on its agenda once again. Accordingly, the Hungarian Government will not be representing itself in Brussels.”, he emphasised.

Mr. Kovács said it was obvious that the European Parliament, together with other European institutions, has become part of a political campaign in which they have found the black sheep, including Hungary and Poland, in accordance with George Soros’s political plans.

The State Secretary underlined that the Hungarian Government will be raising the issue that since it has been representing such a forthright position on migration, they have been trying to call it to account with relation to rule of law and procedural issues.

“How is it possible that the European institutions, and particularly the European Commission, are manipulating the regulations to suit their political role and goals?”, he asked.

Mr. Kovács declared that Hungary has fundamental problems with an approach of this kind, and particularly with the political approach and role undertaken by the European Commission’s First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, which, in his opinion, is problematic not only in the European parliament election campaign, but also within the Commission itself. “This means that Timmermans is the Left’s top candidate for the post of Commission President while he is one of the loudest critics of Hungary during the course of proceedings that are occurring for obviously political reasons, the factual and substantiated parts of which are extremely weak”, the State Secretary argued.

“Hungary will be raising the issue, because it believes that the Left and the George Soros organisations must not be allowed to occupy the political institutions within the European Union. In addition to which they are also using the least political institution, the European Commission as a political institution”, he said.

In reply to a question at his press conference before members of the international press, he declared that “George Soros, who was never elected by anyone and never received a democratic mandate from anyone, has made himself a political player; it was he who trebled the funding for nongovernmental organisations. For those NGOs that significantly support the plans of the left-wing political forces, thus gaining increasing influence in political life, and in what happens in Europe”.

“Hungary does not regard it as fortunate that that the European institutions have become the stage for the political campaign, and trusts that at the European Parliament elections in May the European Commission will successfully be prevented from remaining a political institution”, he added.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)