Illegal migration is not an emotional, nor a political but a legal question. This seems to have been forgotten in Europe, the State Secretary for International Communication and Relations said on Wednesday upon visiting the border between the United States and Mexico.

Speaking to an MTVA (national public-service broadcasting organization) correspondent, Zoltán Kovács said that the border between Mexico and the USA has had some kind of a physical obstacle for decades for the purpose of intercepting those arriving illegally.

"The European Union also has its border, in particular the Schengen border, and the debates we’ve held in the past five years about crossing this border, whether or not it is necessary to be protected through physical force or, in this particular case, by a fence may not even arise as question in this country or in this border section, as it goes without saying”, he emphasized.

He added that the border of Europe, i.e. the Schengen border must be protected just as incontestably and without question because it is not an emotional, nor a political but a legal question.

The border must be protected. Borders are in place so that those crossing them follow all the laws, Zoltán Kovács added.

Upon his visit to America, the State Secretary met President Andrew Friedman of Bais Naftoli Orthodox Jewish Congregation, Chairwoman Jessica Patterson of the California Republican Party, Pepperdine University School of Public Policy and the American Jewish Committee Los Angeles organisations, as well as Hungarians living abroad.