“According to the Government, Brussels continues to want to support illegal immigration, which is something the Hungarian people must know about, and for this reason it has launched a new information campaign”, State Secretary for International Communications and Relations Zoltán Kovács announced.

“The plans aimed at supporting migration are still there in the ‘Brussels drawers’, and decisions are being made in the background that are aimed at realising these plans”, Mr. Kovács said. “One such plan includes multiplying the funding given to non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as the establishment of a migration fund, which would legalise migration”, the State Secretary added.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai/kormany.hu

With relation to funding for NGOs, Mr. Kovács said the European Parliament had already voted on this in January, and this is nothing other that point six of the plan announced by George Soros in 2015, which specifically wants to find a “solution” to handling migration with the help of NGOs. “They want to increase funding to 1.8 billion euros, triple the current amount”, he added.

The State Secretary stressed that in recent years pro-immigration politics and politicians have occupied European institutions, and together with NGOs are doing everything possible to realise their plans to facilitate migration.

“They are doing this despite the fact that increasing numbers of politicians in Europe are representing the standpoint that migration must be stopped”, he pointed out.

According to Mr. Kovács, one of the symbolic examples of the association between European institutions and NGOs is the way First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans relates to this issue. “Timmermans has met George Soros the most times and maintains close contact with organisations that support migration, whereas as the ‘guardian of the treaties’ he should be concerned with making sure everyone acts in accordance with regulations, and should not be representing a pro-immigration position”, the State Secretary noted.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai/kormany.hu

Mr. Kovács also mentioned that on Tuesday Mr. Timmermans happens to be holding negotiations with the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on how to establish a migration fund that would legalise illegal immigration and institutionalise channels for economic immigration.

“In the Government’s opinion every Hungarian has a right to know what is happening in Brussels, and particularly with relation to the European Parliament election, in view of the fact that plans aimed at supporting immigration have not been removed from the agenda, and in the Government’s view these are endangering the security and future of the people of Hungary and Europe”, the State Secretary said.