The Hungarian government is able to prove that the plans whose existence the European Commission denies are very much in the making, the Minister of State for International Communication and Relations told journalists on Tuesday in Budapest.

Zoltán Kovács said this in response to the fact that Margaritis Schinas, Chief Spokesperson of the European Commission dismissed the findings of the Hungarian government’s latest information campaign related to illegal migration as fake news and disinformation.

The Minister of State said “in the past few years we have seen time and time again that the Commission dismisses even the most evident things as misleading and lies”, while the Commission itself is behind the initiatives it denies.

He added that they are able to prove the existence of each and every item of the seven-point pro-immigration Brussels action plan.

Mr Kovács mentioned as an example that while the Commission denies that it seeks to introduce migrant visas, a vote has already been held on the so-called humanitarian visa, and they support its introduction. With the humanitarian visa “they seek to institutionalise the transportation of migrants from the remotest parts of the world” to Europe through the embassies of European Member States.

Margaritis Schinas, spokesperson for the Brussels commission said on Tuesday that the Hungarian government’s campaign announced on Monday “beggars belief”, and that “it is shocking that such a ludicrous conspiracy theory” has reached the mainstream to the extent it has.

He said: “It is not true that the European Union undermines national border protection, quite the contrary. And there are zero plans for the so-called humanitarian visas. Member States decide to what level they want to accept legal migration”.

Posters of the latest government information campaign depict faces of Hungarian-born US businessman George Soros and Jean-Claude Juncker with the following caption: “You also have the right to know what Brussels is preparing for. They want to introduce mandatory resettlement quotas. They want to weaken the border protection rights of Member States. They want to facilitate immigration with migrant visas.”