Pro-immigration avengers are doing everything they can against Hungary in the new European Parliament; this is what the Monday Brussels hearing is about as well.

Within the governments of EU Member States, there are pro-immigration forces which seek to take revenge on Hungary, Minister of State Zoltán Kovács added with reference to the ministerial meeting of EU Member States at which – at the initiative of Finland – they will hear the representative of the Hungarian government as part of a rule of law procedure instituted under Article Seven of the Treaties.

According to Mr Kovács, left-liberal pro-immigration forces are attempting to override Christian values. In Brussels one can no longer say the words “defending Christianity”. Supporting migrants is the new ideology. In a recent interview, departing Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker did nothing less than take Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to task over the fact that for him the interests of Hungary and the Hungarian people come first.

Hungary has high hopes for the new President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen, but in the coming months and years we will see what the relationship will be like, the Minister of State said.

Mr Kovács pointed out that after the May European parliamentary elections, the role of the Visegrád Four, and that of Hungary in it, had gained in importance. This is reflected in the composition of the European Commission and the responsibilities intended for the commissioners. Poland will provide the commissioner responsible for agricultural affairs, while Hungary will have the portfolio of enlargement.

The enlargement of the EU, the accession of the Western Balkans countries to the EU within the shortest possible time is important for Hungary, he added.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)