According to the Government Spokesperson, Thursday’s decision by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is an invitation to illegal immigrants in view of the fact that it allows the establishment of a “basic quota” based on the assessment of the strength of EU member states, “followed by a distributing mechanism if these numbers are exceeded”.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “180 minutes” program on Friday morning, Zoltán Kovács said this is nothing less than “the institutionalisation of migration and the establishment of the permeability of the European Union’s external borders”, against which the Hungarian Government wishes to take action using all available means.

According to the Government Spokesperson, the LIBE Committee “does nothing other than” occasionally bring to the surface and indicate “what it is exactly that we call the Soros Plan”. “George Soros’s people are also represented in the LIBE Committee”, he added.

On Thursday, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs voted in favour of plans to reform the Dublin Agreement, which regulates the EU’s common refugee system. The draft legislation is aimed at the accelerated assessment of asylum requests and the more balanced distribution of responsibility between member states based on the principle of solidarity.