Elderly people constitute a group that is especially at risk from the coronavirus, Minister of State Zoltán Kovács warned in a video message.

The World Health Organization declared the spread of the coronavirus a global pandemic which means that not a single country in the world will be able to avoid impacts of the virus, Mr Kovács said.

“By declaring a state of danger and issuing government decrees, we have adopted decisions which serve to protect human life. We have prepared for a further rise in incidences as the processes unfolding in Europe make it clear for everyone to see,” the Minister of State underlined.

He added that “all the measures we have adopted in the past few days serve the goal of protecting human life, the health of the Hungarian people to the maximum possible degree, in as many ways as possible, and of preventing the spread of the virus”.

There is a group among those at risk that we must especially pay attention to, Mr Kovács said. Based on statistics from around the world and local experiences, the elderly constitute a group that is particularly at risk, the Minister of State highlighted.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)