Within the framework of the mining concession system launched by the Government in 2013, the 7th round has been announced for investors to apply for the concession rights of ten designated areas in Hungary. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology has issued public invitations to tender for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbon in the areas of Csongrád, Csorna, Érd, Kadarkút, Kisvárda, Nyírbátor, Pusztaszer and Zala-Kelet, for the prospection, extraction and exploitation of geothermal energy in the Gádoros area, and for the prospection, exploration and production of lignite in the Sajókápolna area.

As always, participation in the tendering procedure ensuring equal treatment is open to any Hungarian or foreign natural person with capacity to act and any transparent organisation as defined by Act CXCVI of 2011 on National Assets, provided they meet the tender specifications; joint bids are also permitted. The Tender Documentation is available for a price of HUF 100,000 (one hundred thousand forints) by submitting a Concession Bidder Identification Sheet.

Bids are to be solely submitted in person on 25 September 2019 (for the Csongrád, Csorna, Érd, Kadarkút and Kisvárda areas) and on 26 of September 2019 (for the Nyírbátor, Pusztaszer and Zala-East, Gádoros and Sajókápolna areas)  between 10:00 am and noon at the Customer Service Office of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary.

Bids that comply with the conditions of the tender will be evaluated within 90 days from the submission deadline. A duration of 90 days from the announcement of the concession award is provided for concluding concession contracts, which can be extended once for a maximum of 60 days by the Minister of Innovation and Technology.

The duration of the concession for geothermal areas is 35 years from the date of entry into force of the concession contract, and 20 years for hydrocarbon and lignite exploration areas. The original duration may be extended once without any further calls for tenders for a maximum of half of its original duration assuming the contractual fulfilment of obligations without delay.

The Public invitation to tender and further information are available on the website of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary (www.mbfsz.gov.hu) and in the News of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (https://www.kormany.hu/hu/innovacios-es-technologiai-miniszterium/hirek), and are published in the Official Journal of the European Union, Issue C183 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/HU/TXT/?uri=OJ:C:2019:183:TOC) and in two Hungarian daily newspapers.

(Ministry of Innovation and Technology Department of Communication /Hungarian Mining and Geological Service)