“The Artificial Intelligence Coalition is drawing up and action plan with the support of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, which will provide the basis for the National AI Strategy. The package of measures will determine the main tasks, focusing on the fields of the data industry, technological and economic development, and the application of technology”, Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics announced at the plenary session of the AI Coalition on 21 June 2019 in Budapest.

Speaking before the representatives of the 181-member professional platform, the Minister explained that the project teams working under the six thematic working groups have been working on the realisation of the chosen projects since February. According to plan, the elements of these will be published in the form of an Action Plan this autumn, and the determined cornerstones will also be included in the AI Strategy.

Among the most important goals, Mr. Palkovics mentioned improving the international competitiveness of Hungarian AI technologies, and their organic inclusion into business life and state processes. The Minister said important tools include the examination of AI application opportunities in state processes, increasing awareness and trust primarily among small and medium-sized businesses, and increasing Hungarian involvement in related EU tenders. The Minister for Innovation and Technology added that he also envisages further progress being realised through continuous cooperation within the framework of the AI Coalition, built by the community’s members.

President of the AI Coalition Roland Jakab summarised the results of the recent period. The AI in Practice website, which presents the successful forms of application of AI and enables the testing of individual solutions, was created to reinforce confidence in the technology. Europe’s first interactive AI technology exhibition was also primarily organised with a promotional intent. “We have begun the compiling of a Hungarian AI Map and AI Experience Library, which is aimed at collecting Hungarian AI-based solutions and mapping Hungarian enterprises that are involved with the technology”, Mr. Jakab said. “The result of our efforts will be a comprehensive database that summarises the market players involved in the field according to location, sector and method of use”, he added.

“The measures included in the Action Plan will be built around three main topics: the structuring of the data industry, the development of artificial intelligence technologies, and supporting the introduction of technologies. From a horizontal perspective, priority areas include education, regulation, and the development and reinforcement of international relations. The activities of the Coalition facilitate an increase in the affected sectors’ competitiveness, while the AI Strategy provides a guideline for the determination of Hungarian take-off points”, the AI Coalition’s professional director, Gergely Szertics said.

(Ministry of Innovation and Technology)