“Hungary and Turkey also have an interest in the dynamic development of bilateral relations within the fields of industry, research & development, and innovation”, Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics and Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank determined at their bilateral talks in Budapest on 26 June 2019.

Mr. Palkovics said innovation is the response to the rapid technological changes of our age. “The establishment of an organically developing ecosystem is essential to the stability of the field of research & development”, he declared.

Presenting the results of development projects, the Hungarian Minister drew the attention of his Turkish counterpart to Hungary’s two R&D&I flagships, the ELI-ALPS laser research centre in Szeged and the ZalaZone vehicle test track in Zalaegerszeg. Mr. Palkovics explained that in addition to the establishment of world class infrastructure, Hungary has also created the legal background for the testing of self-driven vehicles on public roads. According to plan, a 45-kilometre dual carriageway will be constructed in the vicinity of the test track by 2022, including “intelligent” elements.

The parties agreed to determine possible areas for further cooperation prior to September’s session of the Hungarian-Turkish Joint Industrial Committee, with particular attention to the fields of R&D&I, energy, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence. Mr. Palkovics also proposed the establishment of a joint fund to support cooperation between universities, institutions and enterprises to his Turkish counterpart, who arrived in Budpaest in his role as Co-Chair of the 6th session of the Hungarian-Turkish Joint Economic Committee.

(Ministry of Innovation and Technology)