“Thanks to the industrial policy decisions of the past eight years, the Hungarian economy has fundamentally occupied a high-tech trajectory, the significance of which is provided by its effect on economic growth and the environment”, Minister for Innovation and Technology László Palkovics said on Tuesday at a session of Parliament’s Sustainable Development Committee.

At his annual ministerial hearing, Mr. Palkovics highlighted that it is in the interests of economy-related sustainability that, amongst others, the structural transition of the Hungarian research, development and innovation system and the further development of designated key sectors of industry, such as the food economy, the construction economy, the creative industry and the health industry, are occurring.

“Company sustainability is being created by the reinforcement of a large number of Hungarian-owned small and medium-sized businesses, which is also being facilitated by the Ministry’s SME strategy”, he added.

“Creating the sustainability of transport systems and mobility, assuring the emission and accident-free, stable operation of city transport, the better utilization of constructed transport infrastructure and the environmentally friendly development of vehicle drive systems, represent major challenges”, the Minister listed.

Mr. Palkovics also spoke about the fact that one of the Ministry’s most important tasks is the further development of quality public transport, one of the fundamental elements of which is the core railway network.

Touching on the field of energy, the Minister reported on the fact that consumers are being placed at the centre of attention during the generation of clean, intelligent and affordable electricity, explaining that the security of the country’s energy supply and the climate-friendly transformation of the energy sector are important.

With relation to the Clean Energy Strategy, Mr. Palkovics highlighted that the creation of a rotating economy is an economic rationality, adding that he regards resolving the issue of waste management as extremely important.

In reply to a question from a member of the Committee, Mr. Palkovics said the Ministry’s sustainability strategy will be ready by next year.

In response to a question from an MP concerning the possible closure of the Mátra Power Plant, the Minister said the closure of the plant would not be a good solution, and instead the plant should be technologically refurbished in view of the fact that the facility plays an important role within the country’s electricity system, as well as with relation to employment.

Also in reply to a question, Mr. Palkovics told the Committee that he would support the introduction of climate studies in school.