“Research and innovation are playing a more important role than ever before in the success of Hungary’s present and future”, Minister for Innovation and technology László Palkovics said at the University of Szeged’s academic year opener.

At the session of the University’s senate on the first day of the new academic year, the Minister said the faster than ever before rate of development seen in the 21st century is creating new challenges, particularly within the fields of industry and technology.

“The Government is committed to ensuring that the country prepares for the future in time and in a suitable manner. In 2010, it set as its goal the establishment of a work-based society instead of a welfare-based society, as a result of which there are 800 thousand more people working today, the number of people in employment now exceeds 4.5 million, and the rate of unemployment has fallen to below 3.5 percent, which is the most favourable figure since the regime change”, the Minister emphasised.

“Our economic results have enabled the strengthening of the higher education system. During the reorganisation of the low-efficiency higher education we inherited, which was increasingly distancing itself from the requirements of the job market, in addition to reinforcing autonomy, we also succeeded in stabilising institution finances. Our current task is the further improvement of education and research quality, and reinforcing the international competitiveness of universities”, the Minister said.

“The University of Szeged has launched some one hundred research, development and innovation projects out of the 60 billion forints (EUR 182 million) in funding it as received for the period 2016-2021”, Mr. Palkovics said, highlighting from among these the establishment of the Szeged Science Park.

“20 of the park’s 80 hectares are provided by the University, the expenses of which are covered by the state, as is the development of the infrastructure of the remaining part. The area of the former Soviet barracks has already been cleared of ammunition and prepared for construction, with the planning of buildings currently underway, while the creation of the external infrastructure is the task of the local government, and this work must be accelerated”, Mr. Palkovics said.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that in recent years the Government had funded 805 projects in Szeged with a total of over 130 billion forints (EUR 394 million). “The local government is also playing an important role in assuring a dynamically developing economic and social environment for scientific life and the private sector”, the politician emphasised.

Rector László Rovó told those present: “In the new academic year, some 7700 first year students are beginning their studies at the University of Szeged, as a result of which one of Hungary’s best higher education institutions is able to significantly increase its student numbers”.

He stressed that none of the students will be disappointed, and will have the opportunity to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge from outstanding, internationally recognised educators.

“Thanks to government and EU funding, major development projects have been launched at the University: the infrastructural background for teaching is being developed, the continuous modernisation of teaching materials is in process, exploiting the opportunities afforded provided by digital technology and with the application of state-of-the-art telecommunications solutions. In reaction to job market demands, in the new academic year the University has launched dual training courses with fifty partners”, the Rector said.

(Ministry of Innovation and Technology/MTI)