The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) will open a central European office in Hungary; the agreement was signed at the Budapest Water Summit by Péter Kaderják, Minister of State of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and Frank Rijsberman, Director-General of GGGI’s European office.

Hungary joined the Institute in 2016; the office will be relocated from London to Budapest.

After the signing of the agreement, Mr Kaderják told journalists that the goal of the GGGI is to promote the wider spread of environment-friendly, green economic growth – in addition to climate protection –, and to make efforts as part of this to ensure the fullest possible cooperation of advanced and emerging countries also in this field.

In the past few years, the GGGI and Hungary have cooperated in three successful projects; one was implemented in Uganda, another in the Western Balkans, and in the third one they are jointly exploring the situation of climate protection in Vojvodina.

Mr Kaderják said the latest cooperation agreement lays down the joint activities of the country and the Institute up to the end of 2022.

Frank Rijsberman highlighted that the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a very young institution; so far 33 countries have joined it