At the informal meeting of competitiveness ministers held in Helsinki on 5 July 2019, László György, Minister of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology consulted with his colleagues with respect to issues including sustainable growth, the single market, the dynamic digital economy and the integration of modern industry policy.

The purpose of the meeting was to confirm that the enhancement of European competitiveness is inconceivable without an advanced European industrial base, economic convergence between the old and new Member States of the European Union, and social cohesion that respects the sovereignty of Member States.

“A well-functioning internal market is a springboard for Hungarian businesses as it makes it easier for them to join European markets and global value chains. We support Europe in defending its strategic industries and businesses against competitors outside Europe who are cheaper due to the use of technologies that pollute the environment, but we are opposed to all commission proposals which restrict the free movement of Hungarian businesses that are more competitive than their Western European counterparts and the free employment of Hungarian workers in the European Union,” Mr György stressed.

The Minister of State added that, regarding the enforcement of their rights on the internal market, the trust of citizens and businesses could be best strengthened not with the introduction of new instruments, but through the reinforcement of existing ones. Hungary pays special attention to activities whose purpose is to support productivity, to enforce innovation in the entire economy, and to encourage the wider spread of digitisation. Among others, regional economic development, the establishment of networks of scientific and innovation parks organised around universities, and the launch of new industrial PhD programmes contribute to the attainment of these goals.

“In the interest of supporting research and development in Hungary, Parliament has adopted the legislative amendments necessary for the transformation of the institutional structure and funding of the domestic research, development and innovation system this week. The measures attached to the legislative amendments support cooperation between the research and corporate segments as well as between science and funding, thereby enhancing Hungary’s competitiveness,” Mr György pointed out.

At the meeting of ministers, the parties also spoke about the possibilities related to the future of European industry, possible climate-neutral solutions that at the same time do not jeopardise the industries and the jobs of the citizens of Member States, and the significance of digitisation.