The Government is committed to operating a treasury system that can cope with the challenges of our era and ensuring the efficient safeguarding of the spending of public funds, Deputy State Secretary for Treasury Affairs Ábel Berczik said at a conference jointly organized by the state treasuries of Hungary and France.

The continuous development of the Hungarian State Treasury, the body responsible for overseeing all the transactions of the general government budget, is of primary importance, as the Treasury is playing a strategic role in the management of public finances, he stressed. It has been a long-term objective to turn the Hungarian State Treasury – in accordance with the Modern Treasury concept – into a consumer-oriented state-run services and information centre. To this end, further progress must be made in terms of a more efficient decision-making process, higher quality services and providing up-to-date and precise information for those who require them. These, in turn, necessitate the updating of administrative procedures and info-communication background systems, he added.

Fiscal and financial cooperation between Hungary and France dates back more than twenty years now. The professional relations continuously fostered and developed by the Hungarian and French Treasuries have provided ample opportunities for gathering and sharing good practices by way of study trips and seminars. One of the major forums to exchange experiences is an annual international conference hosted by the Hungarian State Treasury. This year’s event centred around the reform of budgetary systems and related info-communication assistance.

(Ministry for National Economy)