According to the latest data compiled by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), in June 2016 the number of people in employment exceeded 4.3 million in Hungary. The fact that the unemployment rate has hit the lowest level since the regime change confirms that Hungarian reforms are working.

In the period April-June 2016, the number of people in employment aged 15-74 years rose by 142 thousand, to 4 million 343 thousand, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Concurrently, the unemployment rate has eased to 5.1 percent, the fifth best figure within the European Union.

The employment rate of those aged 15-64 years increased by 2.6 percentage points -- to 66.4 percent -- over the past one year. Indicators showed improvement for both men and women. The employment rate of men aged 15-64 years rose to 72.9 percent, up by 2.8 percentage points. The indicator for women of the same age group hit a record high, as it exceeded 60 percent, and the unemployment rate fell below 5 percent (to 4.9 percent). Thus, the level of full employment has been reached in case of women.

Youth employment indicators also show improvement, as the number of people aged 15-24 years in employment was up by more than 16 thousand, to 294 thousand, year-on-year. The number of people of this age group out of job fell by 15 thousand, to 45 thousand, and thus the youth unemployment rate dropped to some 13 percent.

Thanks to the potent employment policy of the Government, Hungarian labour market statistics show improvement month after month, and they also signal that this positive trend is set to continue.

(Ministry for National Economy)