“Audi Hungary remains one of the Government’s most important strategic partners”, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga confirmed following talks with Audi Hungária’s Chairman of the Board Peter Kössler. An 11.6 billion forint (EUR 36.5M) new logistics centre was established at the plant last year and the company’s management is planning to launch the production of a new model in 2019.

The Minister for National Economy received the directors of Audi Hungária Motor Ltd. in his office on Monday. At the meeting, the parties discussed the Győr-based company’s long-term development projects. Mr. Varga declared: “The company, which was founded in 1993, is one of Hungary’s most important automotive industry enterprises, manufacturing some 2 million engines a year, providing jobs for 12 thousand people and purchasing 1.5 billion euros in parts, other products and services every year from almost 100 Hungarian suppliers. Audi has invested over 7 billion euros in Hungary during the past two decades and the Hungarian Government is providing 6 billion forints in funding towards the company’s latest, 32 billion forint development project”.

DownloadPhoto: József Eisenmann/Ministry for National Economy

“As has previously been reported, the company is reorganising its international production network, as a result of which its new Q3 SUV’s will be manufactured in Győr. The transition to the new models is a major procedure that could cause short-term fluctuations in production, but employees are in a secure position and output will eventually exceed even the current level”, the Minister said following the meeting. “According to Audi’s plans, Hungary will also be the headquarters for the production of electric engines. Negotiations are ongoing with the Hungarian Government in harmony with the realisation of the e-mobility programme set down in the Jedlik Plan”, Mr. Varga highlighted.

At the meeting, the parties also agreed that a highly-trained workforce with up-to-date knowledge is one of the most important prerequisites for the continued growth of the economy. “The Government is supporting the activities of enterprises operating in Hungary via the reform of the vocational training system, and now also through recruiting abroad”, Mr. Varga said, explaining that “Establishing modern training centres would not only assure direct workforce training for large manufacturers, but also the training of the related supplier and SME sector employees in state-of-the-art training centres”.

(Ministry For National Economy)