Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga presented the “Investor of the Month” award to Evonik Agroferm Fermentációipari Ltd; while Járműszerelvényt Gyártó Ltd was awarded the “SME of the Month” title, and in the category of “Startup of the Month” the Minister handed the award to Skawa Innovation Ltd at a ceremony held in the building of the Ministry for National Economy in Budapest.

Initiated by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga and organized by the Ministry for National Economy, in each month since August 2013 the awards have been presented in three categories – “Investor of the Month”, “SME of the Month” and “Startup of the Month”. The objective of the “Award for Successful Enterprises” is to honour, stimulate and provide publicity for those business entities, SMEs and budding enterprises active in Hungary which are contributing to Hungarian economic growth and can serve as role models for leading an enterprise to success.

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In his speech the Minister emphasised that many Hungarian enterprises have recently achieved excellent results. As an example, the Minister singled out Gazdagmami (RichMum) Ltd, which received the Grand Jury Prize at the European Enterprise Promotion Awards.

Among those who have received an Award for Successful Enterprises, QuantisLabs Ltd – with a grapevine protection solution -- has made it to the American final round of one of the most prestigious competitions for startup companies, the Intel Business Challenge (IBC) of the United States; ChocoMe Ltd has officially joined the world league of top chocolatiers; Tokaji Borecet Manufaktúra Ltd won Superior Taste Awards for three products at an international competition; Now Technologies Ltd has received HUD 100 million from one of the largest Hungarian  venture capital funds; Magyarmet Finomöntöde ULC has become internationally renowned as the supplier of large industrial corporations and ImmunoGenes Ltd has concluded a large-scale contract with one of the six largest global pharmaceuticals companies, Mihály Varga listed the success stories of past awardees.

The Minister for National Economy stressed that Hungary’s economic performance hinges on that of enterprises and he added that the overhaul of the vocational training system and employment has to be continued in line with economic demands. The obstacles of employment must be removed in order to create a more flexible labour market and innovation funding must be made more efficient in order to provide better access to it for SMEs.

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Evonik Agroferm Fermentációipari Ltd is one of the world’s leading amino-acid producers: the company produces and markets the four most significant essential amino acids used in modern animal nutrition. Thanks to an investment project of more HUF 3bn launched in 2013, the company created a world-class production facility in Kaba, Eastern Hungary, which produces 30 thousand tons of amino acids per year and employs 100 people. The company exports products all around the world.

Járműszerelvényt Gyártó Ltd has been a manufacturer of passenger railway carriages and bus mountings since 2016. Over the past ten years, the company has undergone a complete overhaul and today it employs 159 people. The mid-term goal of the enterprise is to increase the number of jobs at its Tiszavasvári facility. Some 99 percent of the company’s products are sold abroad. In 2011, Siemens AG presented the best supplier award to the company within the innovation category, selecting them out of 36 thousand suppliers.

Skawa Innovation Ltd assists the translation of websites through its “Easyling” programme, making the process as easy and cost-effective as possible. Skawa, an enterprise of seven employees, has concluded contracts with several international translating companies, of which two belong to the five largest world-wide and these translate the websites of Fortune 500 enterprises.

(Ministry for National Economy)