The latest statistical data are confirming the adequacy of the Government’s economic policy: the employment rate has reached the highest level since the regime change, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the ceremonial presentation of the Awards for Successful Enterprises in the month of September.

Since 2010, the Government has considered it a priority to increase the number of people in employment and it must do everything in its power to facilitate the success of domestic enterprises and the Hungarian subsidiaries of foreign companies. This is one of the prerequisites for boosting hiring and making Hungarian jobs more attractive also for skilled people and those with higher education attainment, he stated.

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“In light of these I am especially glad to report to you that – according to the latest data -- the number of people in employment has been above 4 million for more than one year and a half,” he said. In the period June-August 2015, the number of people aged 15-74 years in employment rose to 4 million 251 thousand, which means that 134 thousand more people have a job in comparison to the same period one year ago. This has been the highest figure since the regime change. The unemployment rate also improved and fell to 6.7 percent, a ten-year record low, the Minister stressed. Outstanding data also show, he added, that Hungarian enterprises are performing better and better. Companies which have been presented with the award showed that the professional knowledge and entrepreneurial culture represented by domestic enterprises are competitive even from a global perspective.

Mihály Varga established the “Awards for Successful Enterprises” in August 2013, aiming to promote acknowledged companies by presenting outstanding, exemplary practices that may serve as role models for setting up other prosperous enterprises.

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In September 2015, the “Investor of the Month” award went to Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Ltd. Olivia Élelmiszeripari Ltd was awarded the “SME of the Month” title. 5Litres Ltd received the “Startup of the Month” award.

The Switzerland-based Phoenix Mecano Group is one of the global top three manufacturers of hospital bed adjustment systems.

The company’s Hungarian subsidiary, which employs about one thousand people, produces and develops mechanical and electronic systems. With the latest, up-to-date technologies Olivia Élelmiszerfeldolgozó Ltd processes rabbit meat. The invention of 5Litres is an ingenious response to the global water shortage; it is expected to be marketed through the help of crowd funding.

(Ministry for National Economy)