Three companies have been honoured with the awards established in August 2013 by Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga. The minister stressed he considers predictable regulatory environment – along with the current support model -- a key prerequisite of economic success.

The Minister pointed out at the event that the Hungarian Government has over the past years created a reliable and predictable regulatory background. Next year’s budget reinforces this tendency as no structural changes will be made to corporate taxation, while the budget bill does contain several favourable amendments.

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Speaking about funding that will be made avaialable for enterprises, Mihály Varga said that in the 2014-2020 development period the opportunities for enterprises to obtain grants will multiply, as per capita funding is seen at an all-time high.

In May 2015, the “Investor of the Month” award went to Békéscsaba-based Csaba Metál Ltd, represented by CEO Béla Majoros. AKA Ltd of Gere Winery was awarded the “SME of the Month” title, represented by CEO Andrea Gere. Brewie Ltd CEO Pál Marcell received the “Startup of the Month” award.

Csaba Metál, a supplier of major car brands such BMW, Chrysler, Citroën, Ferrari, Fiat, Ford, Jaguar, Mercedes, Nissan, Opel, Porsche, Renault, Rover, Toyota, Volvo and VW, opened in February 2015 a new production facility and an enlarged storage site as the result of their latest development project. Costs of the project totalled more than HUF 1bn, the half of which originated from domestic and EU grants. Since 2007, Csaba Metál has spent as much as HUF 3.5bn on development.

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Gere Winery has been a family enterprise with grape wine cultivation and wine-making tradition that stretches back seven generations. The enterprise has been successful in winning several EU tenders over the past years: the company has been allocated funding of HUF 65 million to build a grape seed processing facility, while they received HUF 228 million for hotel development.

Brewie’s dynamic, young team has manufactured the world’s first fully automated home-brewing apparatus. Over the past year, they constructed four prototypes and currently they are preparing for serial production, while 25 retailers from 15 countries have already expressed interest in the product.

(Ministry for National Economy)