The Hungarian Government has prioritized the boosting of the competitiveness of domestic enterprises against a background of decelerating global economic growth, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the presentation ceremony of the Awards for Successful Enterprises in the month of November.

As in each month since August 2013, the Minister has presented awards in three categories -- to a major investor, an SME and a start-up. Awardees are selected every month by a panel of economic experts on the basis of the company’s achievements. The Ministry primarily aims to promote companies that may act as role models and good examples for others, the Minister pointed out in his welcome speech.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

Mihály Varga added that according to estimates global economic growth is set to slow down, as a result, for example, of the slackening expansion of the China’s economy and the migration crisis in Europe. Analysing negative processes the Minister stated that in Hungary the Government does not leave economic stakeholders in the lurch: enterprise incentives will remain in place. Among these he mentioned measures aiming at external financing stability, lending growth, a more flexible labour market and stimulating investment. The Minister also mentioned that a package of measures is under consideration, which is expected to reinvigorate the residential property market.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

In November 2015, the “Investor of the Month” award went to Linamar Hungary Ltd, represented by Linamar Europe CEO Csaba Havasi. Through a development project of HUF 5.3bn, the company has upgraded CNC machinery and other equipment at the production facilities of Orosháza and Békéscsaba.

Vasbeta Ltd was awarded the “SME of the Month” title. CEO György Bartha said that the Miskolc-based enterprise, which was founded in 1997, has developed a unique product identifying method, the first of its kind in the world.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

xHealth Ltd received the “Startup of the Month” award, represented by CEO Levente Szász. The company’s product, a medical test result organizer application for patients with chronic diseases helps users upload, organize and monitor test results, medical diagnoses and medicine usage.

(Ministry for National Economy)