“We are honouring enterprises today which have successfully taken advantage of opportunities and brought their ideas to fruition through talent and diligence," Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the presentation ceremony of the Awards for Successful Enterprises.

Mihály Varga established the Awards two years ago and since then these distinctions have been awarded in three categories each month, to enterprises selected by an expert jury. Accordingly, over the past two-and-a-half years, more than seventy companies have received the Award.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

In the month of November 2015, the “Investor of the Month” award went to Magyar Cukor Ltd of Kaposvár, represented by Marketing Executive Gergely Kovács. As the Minister pointed out, due to the mismanagement of the privatizations and unsatisfactory deals with the EU in the 1990s the sector had declined for years. Thanks to investment in past years, however, a window of opportunity has opened for the sugar factory to gradually regain its position as Hungary’s market leader amid the intensifying market competition following the phasing out of sugar quotas as of 2017.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

Robinia Group Ltd was awarded the “SME of the Month” title, represented by CEO Gábor Erdélyi. The Kajászó-based company has established a stable presence on the domestic and international markets over the past fifteen years through wood-industry services.

Vending Machines Ltd CEO Dr Emese Várnagy received the “Startup of the Month” award. The company has been active in 15 European countries and it currently employs 30 people.

(Ministry for National Economy)