The Hungarian Government regards Kazakhstan as a strategic partner, therefore it is of vital importance that a direct flight be launched to connect the two countries, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga told at a press conference where WizzAir’s new Budapest-Astana direct flight was announced.

The flight, the first of which is scheduled for 8 June, may be a major factor in forging closer economic, tourism and cultural ties between the two countries, the Minister said.

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Kazakhstan is Hungary’s major strategic partner in Central Asia, and both countries are keen on having closer relations, he noted. The direct flight will establish a link not only between two metropolises but also between two up-and-coming economic regions, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. And every new link that connects Hungary to another fast-growth economic hub is beneficial for us, Mihály Varga pointed out.

As another important step, the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council was established last October. This body, as promoter of bilateral cooperation, will facilitate operative decisions and help deepen bilateral cultural-educational relations. As the Minister stressed, besides trade relations, there are various cooperation opportunities waiting to be utilized in the field of the industrial sector, the health industry, the agricultural sector, education and tourism.

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The fact that Hungary participates in the Astana EXPO this summer, at which some 3 million visitors are awaited, makes the launching of a direct flight especially timely, he stated.

(Ministry for National Economy)