Iran, as a market of almost 80 million people, can provide great opportunities for Hungarian companies, while Hungary may become a gateway Iran to Europe for, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said after he had met with Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Masoud Karbassian in Tehran.

The products and technological know-how offered by Hungarian enterprises are competitive in Iran, as the cooperation agreements signed by Evopro, Enexio, Ikarus and Iranian partners demonstrates, he noted, adding that the contract with Ikarus concerned the production and transport of 1000 Hungarian buses.

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The Hungarian Government sees Iran as an economic heavyweight in Asia, therefore it is important to rebuild economic relations weakened by anti-Tehran sanctions. After the nuclear deal had been signed, the delegation headed by PM Viktor Orbán made the very first official international visit by a head of state to Iran, he pointed out.

Having seen the rapid growth of relations between the two countries, the Hungarian Government decided to move the diplomatic staff of the Hungarian Embassy in Tehran to another building, one that properly demonstrates the status of the mission, Mihály Varga stated. The Minister also proposed the launching of direct flights between Budapest and Tehran, and his Iranian counterpart has expressed support for this initiative. As the Minister stressed the Government of Hungary was working to lay the groundwork required for the fostering of banking relations. Hungary’s Eximbank has earmarked USD 162 million to boost economic relations, he said.

At a business forum organized by Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture which was held after the ministerial meeting Mihály Varga said in his opening speech that Hungary had by now become a place into which it was worth investing and which was worth having closer relations with. The Hungarian Government has been supporting domestic enterprises which were seeking to enter the Iranian market, he said. In the first eight months of the year, the volume of Hungary’s exports to Iran increased by some 60 percent year-on-year, totalling more than USD 25 million, he noted.

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Several businesspeople were in the Hungarian delegation who had come with concrete plans. Hungarian enterprises are thinking of Iran not only as a market but also as an investment destination; on the other hand Iran needs companies which offer innovative and efficient technology know-how at reasonable prices, the Minister emphasised.

(Ministry for National Economy)