The strategic cabinet of the Government decided to earmark HUF 6.6bn of development funds to finance three major projects in the city of Kaposvár, Minister of State for the Utilization of EU Funds Balázs Rákossy said yesterday.

At a press conference following a session of the monitoring committee of Hungary’s Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme (EDIOP), the Minister of State announced that the University of Kaposvár is to receive HUF 4.1bn from the EDIOP to develop crop farming and animal husbandry technologies adapted to climatic changes. To the refurbishment of the southern wing of Kaposvár’s hospital and the modernization of the city’s historic centre the Government is to allocate HUF 1.4bn and HUF 1.1bn, respectively, in the Territorial and Settlement Development Operative Programme (TOP).


Out of the altogether HUF 12 000bn (EUR 40bn) Hungary is to receive from the European Union in 2014-2020, HUF 2700bn is earmarked for EDIOP. This programme is designed to contribute to the development of local economies, boost competitiveness, improve employment and secure sustainable growth.

(Ministry for National Economy)