The positive trend in place in the past years has continued as foreign trade surplus has gained again. In July 2014, the volume of exports and imports was up year-on-year by 13 percent and 14 percent, respectively, resulting in a surplus some of EUR 0.5bn, EUR 50 million higher than one year ago. Improving data have been the consequence of economic growth and rebounding consumption, Minister of State for Economic Regulation Béla Glattfelder stated, commenting on the latest trade data released by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH).

In the opinion of the Minister of State, stronger external and domestic demand as well as dynamic industrial output and vehicle manufacturing growth have all contributed to higher trade turnover. Béla Glattfelder pointed out that in contrast to the period 2002-2010, when inbound trade was typically larger than outbound one and the country was running a trade deficit, under the current Government the country closed each year with a trade surplus.

In line with the positive trend, July data also show expansion: the value of exports and imports totalled EUR 7.3bn and EUR 6.8bn, respectively. Due to higher output, foreign trade surplus reached EUR 482 million, up by EUR 50 million year-on-year. In the initial seven months of 2014, the volume of exports and imports both soared by some 9 percent, the former totalling EUR 49.1bn and the latter EUR 45.4bn. These resulted in an accumulated surplus of EUR 3.8bn which shows an increase of EUR 237 million in comparison to January-July 2013. The imports and exports of machinery and transport equipment jumped 9.3 percent and 10 percent, respectively.

Béla Glattfelder stated that the long-term upward trade turnover trend is expected to continue in the future as industrial output growth has recently reached a three-year high and the positive domestic consumption growth trend is also seen to prevail.

(Ministry for National Economy)