The Government aims to place the Hungarian economy on a growth path that can ensure dynamic growth without external resources, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the conference organized by business daily Világgazdaság on the future of Hungary.

The Government’s vision of the future is based on the knowledge of our capabilities, achievements and the desire to close the gap with highly developed industrialized countries, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

Our main goal remains to be to have jobs in Hungary that provide not only the means for living but they also assist in career advancement, and we also want better living conditions for families and tackle demographic challenges in the long term, Mihály Varga stressed. While maintaining fiscal prudence, the Government continues to cut state debt, stimulate investment growth and development projects in order to realize these objectives.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

Balance expansion requires a stable economic growth engine, a re-industrialization policy, the details of which are laid down in the Irinyi Plan, in Industry 4.0 and the Ányos Jedlik Plan. The acceleration of the disbursement of EU funding and the reorganization of the vocational education system also serve these goals. Analysing economic policy achievements, such as job growth and the continuous increase of wages, Mihály Varga emphasised that the Government wants to see growth from which every Hungarian can benefit. This, he added, can be reached through tax cuts or tax allowances, but also through wage hikes, more options for acquiring skills and the improving quality of housing. The Government has always had a clear vision of how to lead Hungary out of the crisis, the Minister stated. “We have never once missed the opportunity to make advantageous decisions, and by now our former critics – foreign economic institutions, the OECD, the European Commission and recently Fitch Ratings – have all come to recognize our results,” he said.

(Ministry for National Economy)