Hungary may in the near future become the health industry hub of the Central and Eastern European region, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said in Seoul, following the signing of a contract by Hungary’s Semmelweis Medical University (SOTE) and Samsung Medison of South Korea. The Budapest-based tertiary education institution and the South Korean manufacturer of modern diagnostic ultrasound systems concluded an agreement on establishing an education centre in Hungary.

Mihály Varga said the multi-year partnership between SOTE and Samsung Medison is exemplary, as thanks to that the South-Korean company is about to install the most up-to-date imaging technology at the Semmelweis University and create a related education centre.

Speaking of the agreement the Minister pointed out that the decision of the South-Korean company has certainly been positively influenced by the world-class Hungarian science and innovation environment, investor-friendly and supportive Government policy as well as Hungary’s economic achievements. For Hungary’s future the identifying of proper economic strategy priorities is pivotal, the Minister said. In order to be capable of maintaining the current favourable position, he added, the weight of innovation-focused sectors must be increased. In the opinion of Mihály Varga, the health industry belongs to developing, innovative branches with great opportunities. “We have set an ambitious goal: we want to turn Hungary into the health industry hub of the Central and Eastern European region.”

Under the agreement signed by SOTE Rector Ágoston Széll and Samsung Medison Deputy CEO Wayne Spittle, the company sets up its CEE education centre at the Semmelweis University. At the facility, medial students and doctors can obtain technical knowledge of using state-of-the-art diagnostic systems.


(Ministry for National Economy)