Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga met with Huawei Technologies Hungary Ltd CEO Zheng Weifeng to discuss new cooperation options. One of the most dynamically developing info-communication companies wants to join, among others, the implementation of an automotive test track project near Zalaegerszeg, the Minister said.

Hungary has been a major hub for the Chinese telecoms giant, Mihály Varga added, as the company assembles and transports telecoms products for suppliers in Central Asia, Northern and Western Africa as well as the Middle East.


In the case of the test track project, Huawei may provide data management and transmission as well as WLAN services.

Zheng Weifeng has briefed the Minister of the business results of Huawei’s Hungarian daughter company in recent years.  Global revenues of the China-based telecoms hardware and software maker totalled more than USD 60bn last year. In Hungary, Huawei is the second largest Chinese investor, employing more than 2000 people.

(Ministry for National Economy)