The Hungarian Government aims to assume a leading position in the field of electro-mobility in the region, by spearheading implementation and the introduction of successful models and R&D&I projects, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said, following the signing of a cooperation agreement on the research and development of electric engines in Cologne.

The Minister visited Germany as member of the delegation headed by PM Viktor Orbán.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

After the signing of the agreement concluded between the Hungarian Electro-mobility Association, the NRW Association of Electro-mobility, the RWTH Aachen University, the University of Transdanubia and Breuckmann GmbH, Mihály Varga stated that this document conformed excellently to the industrial development strategy of the Hungarian Government.

Success requires strategic partners and cooperation that helps us realize our goals, the Minister pointed out. We are assisted by various factors in our efforts, for example enterprises, educational institutions or various professional organizations which have good practices and sufficient experience, he added.

(Ministry for National Economy)