The world press has recently carried alarming coverage in connection with migrants heading for Western Europe who cannot depart from Budapest due to Hungary’s observance of EU regulations.

The Hungarian police, who have a duty to enforce EU law, are maintaining order within clearly defined statutory boundaries in relation to the thousands of migrants who have entered the EU illegally, without visas or other travel documents. Despite the flood of migrants, personal safety and the safety of property remains just as high in Hungary as it has been at any time in recent years. Hungary is therefore just as safe a travel destination for tourists as it was a year ago.

The sudden rise in the gravity of the migrant problem – which has unforeseeable consequences for the whole of Europe – has been the focus of public concern in Hungary just as much as it has been internationally. The presence of migrants in Budapest is limited to a few, well-defined areas, primarily in the immediate vicinity of Keleti and Déli railway stations. The designated transit zones do not affect tourists as they are located far from traditional tourist routes, and therefore they cause no problem in accessing the sights of the city. Equally, the presence of migrants is not affecting the daily lives of the city’s inhabitants to the dramatic extent implied by headlines or photographs in the international media.

In accordance with long-standing traditions, Hungarians continue to be a people who love entertaining guests,  and who accept visitors with friendship, empathy and a desire to help.

(Ministry for National Economy)