The Hungarian Government is pursuing an initiating and active role in the realization of international blueprints designed to promote e-mobility, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the conference “New Road to Electro-mobility in the EU”, organized by NGM.

In his keynote speech, State President János Áder pointed out that modern-age transport had begun with electric vehicles only to change direction later and turn towards the development of interior combustion engines.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

At the event, politicians of Central and Eastern Europe and leading car manufacturers have discussed major e-mobility issues of the CEE region. As Mihály Varga pointed out, the Government hopes to support and engage as many Hungarian research centres and enterprises as possible concerning the development of electric vehicles. In case we can become pioneers of the revolution of electric vehicles, the economies of the region could gain a massive competitive advantage, he added. The EU’s objective is to cut transport-related greenhouse emissions by 60 percent until 2050.

Unless we tackle harmful emissions, we are to face a number of catastrophes and tragedies in the next half century, he emphasised.

Change is already taking place on European roads: in the initial nine months of the year, more than 115 thousand new electric cars took to the roads in Europe. Hungary wants to join this trend: the Government is expecting the number of electric vehicles on Hungarian roads to exceed 50 thousand until 2020.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

Speaking of the Ányos Jedlik Plan, the Minister said that several measures had already been implemented. Since July 2015, environmentally friendly vehicle has been a legal term and since September 2015 owners of these cars can request a green licence plate, of which about one hundred have been issued thus far.

As of January, using charging points will become easier and the number of tax incentives will also increase.

(Ministry for National Economy)