Amidst the global competition Europe needs a new industrial policy; one which bolsters innovation capacities, facilitates the faster introduction of new technologies, fosters entrepreneurial spirit thus ensuring the position of the Visegrad Four as the EU’s growth engine, Mihály Varga said at the press conference held after a ministerial level meeting of V4 countries. As the Minister for National Economy added, the MoU signed now on industrial policy cooperation would serve as a stepping stone for further partnership within the V4.

At the meeting, the Minister stressed that it was vital from the aspect of competitiveness that economic growth be maintained parallel to external and internal balances and pro-business and pro-investment environment be created. It is a common task for the V4 governments to assist SMEs of high potential of the region to enter the regional and later international markets, he said. The field which offers the best opportunities for further cooperation among the V4 is that of innovative technologies, he pointed out.

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One of the key issues Hungary believes to be of primary importance is artificial intelligence, he noted. “We are working to turn the region into a frontrunner in terms of robotics and artificial intelligence in the next decade as this may also be a remedy for issues which affect the entire region such as labour shortages,” he said.

With the signing of the Budapest Declaration industrial policy cooperation among the V4 has entered a new phase, the Minister said. Intensifying the exchange of experiences and launching joint projects is important also because of the similarities in the economic situation and interest of our countries, he stressed.

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Leaders of the statistical offices of the region’s countries have also attended the ministerial level plenary meeting and signed an MoU aiming to foster closer relations between the organizations they manage.

(Ministry for National Economy)