The main objective of the Irinyi Plan is to assist the balanced, evenly strong and dynamic development of economic sectors, Minister of State for Economic Regulation and Development István Lepsényi told public news channel M1 earlier today.

In light of data from February 2016, the manufacturing sector has been a good performer with output growth of 7.5 percent year-on-year, the Minister of State said. Within that, output at car manufacturers rose by 4.8 percent, slightly below the growth rates of previous months. István Lepsényi, on the other hand, called attention to the 9.9 percent increase of output at suppliers.

The Minister of State emphasised that the supplier sector had to be given more development assistance.  To this end, a new programme is to be launched, which aims to help suppliers gain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge from large partner enterprises.

As far as employment is concerned, István Lepsényi said the issue of skills is crucial: there is clear correlation between unemployment and work skills. The lack of skilled labour, he added, is already becoming an obstacle to economic growth.

(Ministry for National Economy)