After our countries had gained independence, a new era has begun in the relations between Hungary and Kazakhstan, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the festive reception marking 25 years of independence of Kazakhstan.

As the event’s guest invited by Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Hungary Nurbakh Rustenov, the Minister said that Hungary has been paying special attention to the Expo 2017 of Astana, where we are to have an exhibition pavilion.

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Our countries regard each other as strategic partners, Mihály Varga said. Traditionally good relations enable Kazakhstan to reach European countries and Hungary to have access to Central Asia. Cooperation has in recent years expanded in economic, educational, healthcare and cultural fields, the Minister added.

Hungarians very highly regard Kazakhstan and the Kazakh people for their historic achievements in the past 25 years, since they gained independence, he pointed out. These include results in economic performance and efforts to bolster national unity and social progress.

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The relation between Kazakhstan and Hungary is based on more than common roots; it is also a meeting of two countries from two rapid-growth regions – Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia – and both economies have a lot to gain from this connection over time, the Minister stressed.

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Both the Kazakh and Hungarian Governments believe that relations must be made even tighter, and one of the instruments to this end is the Hungarian-Kazakh Strategic Council, established in October this year, and the rising number of joint corporate projects.

(Ministry for National Economy)