Thanks to the decision of Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Ltd is set to receive HUF 600 million (EUR 1.9 million) from the state budget to be spent on a new vocational training workshop.

The project aims to increase the number of apprentices and thus adapt to the needs of the local labour market.

Secondary- and tertiary level dual vocational education models are the most efficient systems for training skilled labour force. Under this programme, young people obtain theoretical knowledge at secondary and tertiary education institutions, while practical skills are acquired at participating companies.

As a result, those who obtain a school certificate already have adequate skills and are ready to be employed. The state offers tax incentives and direct grants for enterprises which endeavour to participate in practical training.  A key condition for receiving a grant for building and operating a secondary-level dual training workshop by a Ministerial decision on an individual basis is that the number of contracted apprentices is increased by at least 50. Through this incentive, a company may receive on average as much as EUR 8000 per trainee, or up to EUR 2 million, to build and fully equip a workshop, provided it has own funds corresponding to a minimum of 27 percent of the grant, and it commits to maintaining staff and operating the workshop for (at least) five years. The costs related to the maintenance of the facility and apprentice training may be also partially financed through a number of tax incentives.

(Ministry for National Economy)