Some print media have misinterpreted the announcement of Mihály Varga to the MTI on Wednesday, therefore the Ministry for National Economy must emphasise the following:

Mihály Varga has often clearly stated – for the last time hardly one week ago – that he does not approve of bringing masses of unskilled, illiterate migrants to Europe, as this cannot solve the labour market problems of the EU. The recently published news that large German enterprises employ only 54 migrants although 1.5-2 million people came to Germany last year and 230 thousand have come to Europe so far this year also confirms this view. Very few migrants land a job, and it is due not only to low school attainment and the lack of foreign language skills, but also to the fact that people are reluctant to participate in vocational training courses and are hesitant about the place they want to settle in.

Accordingly, the Minister for National Economy does not want the settle illegal migrants; as he has made it clear in the statement, the Government supports the hiring of foreign skilled labour only in jobs for which enterprises cannot find a Hungarian jobseeker.

(Ministry for National Economy)