Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga has received the award “Finance Minister of the Year, Central and Eastern Europe 2015” in Lima.

“I consider this award as one I have deserved together with the Hungarian people, the country’s economic stakeholders, as the outstanding results of the whole country have been recognized. This is the success of Hungary and the Hungarian economic policy” the Minister for National Economy said on receiving the “Finance Minister of the Year, Central and Eastern Europe 2015” Award of the Emerging Markets magazine published by London-based Euromoney. The award was presented at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Lima, Peru.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry for National Economy

The Minister for National Economy stressed, “It has been the result of joint efforts that the Hungarian economy has over the past five years managed not only to overcome the crisis but also to enter a steady growth path. The Government of Hungary had made the right decisions and these have resulted in economic data that are outstanding even from an international perspective,” he pointed out in his welcome speech on receiving the prize awarded by economists, analysts and experts of the international financial and business community. When deciding on the award it was taken into consideration that the country’s external vulnerabilities had been diminished, the economic growth is one of the highest in Europe, the government had taken successful steps against the black economy, the tax collection had become more efficient, while investments and consumption have risen.

“We have also achieved something that some years ago would have seemed almost impossible: the Hungarian Government, the European Commission, the IMF, the OECD, major international analysts and market experts have all come to share a similar view on the remarkable performance of the Hungarian economy,” he noted.

Mihály Varga highlighted the fact that Hungary’s economic growth reached 3.6 percent in 2014 and the Government has good reason to expect that this growth which exceeds the EU average is going to last. He also called it an important achievement that the number of people in employment has recently risen to a level which has been unprecedented in the 25 years of democratic rule in Hungary.

(Ministry for National Economy)