Nothings demonstrates the strong growth momentum of the Hungarian tourism sector better than the following fact: in the first three quarters of the year the number of tourism nights in Hungary already reached the full-year figure of 2011, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga said at the presentation ceremony of Pro Tourismo awards. As the Minister added, this growth figure is outstanding even from an international aspect.

Individual countries can only keep up with global competition in the field of tourism provided they present genuine, unique and real values, the Minister pointed out at the event held in the Hunters’ Hall of the Parliament.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

The dynamic expansion of the tourism sector has significantly contributed to the excellent achievements of the Hungarian economy: it generates more than 9 percent of GDP and employs 11 percent of total labour force.

“There is a good chance that the tourism sector, as it did in every year since 2011, will reach a new record high in 2015,” Mihály Varga said. He added that the number arrivals already exceeds 10 million, the number of tourism nights is over 25 million and revenues at accommodation establishments total more than HUF 350bn. In the first half of 2015, the number of international arrivals increased by 17.5 percent compared to the same period of 2014. Thus, the Hungarian growth figure was four times higher than the global average and three-and-a-half times higher than the European average.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

The Government continues to place special emphasis on developing tourism:  a separate chapter is devoted to the sector within the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme, the Minister noted. “Our target is to disburse HUF 300bn between 2014 and 2020 on the development of tourism. This year, four calls for tourism-related tenders have already been published for total funding of HUF 50bn.

DownloadPhoto: Géza Dede/Ministry for National Economy

The most prestigious awards of the tourism sector this year honoured Éva Buzási, the librarian and tourist guide of the Library of Kaposvár University; Denis Matyasy, chief confectioner of the Matyasy Patissier Chocolatier Traiteur; Dr Ferenc Kovács, Mayor of Nyíregyháza; László Kovács, President of the Hungarian Association of Hospitality Services Providers; András Krivács, owner of Fenyves Hotel; OTP Travel CEO Judit Molnár; Zoltán Nógrádi, Mayor of Mórahalom; Mellow Mood Group CEOs Hamdan Sameer Mahmoud and Awad Zuhair Fathi; CEO of Budapest Healing Baths and Hot Springs Co. Ltd László Szőke; Danubius Hotels Deputy CEO János Tóbiás and Director of Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest Yves Giacometti.

(Ministry for National Economy)