“The most important goal of the government’s strategy concerning the development of financial awareness is to provide Hungarian families with the knowledge required for everyday life, to plan savings and with relation to the various forms of self-reliance”, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga emphasised at the opening event of the Pénz7 (Money Week) series of programmes.

The series of programmes will be held from 2-6 March, and 900 volunteer experts will be holding 11,500 lessons on the subject for 207 thousand students from over 1100 schools.

The professional partners of the Money Week, the Ministry of Human Capacities, the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Hungarian Banking Association, the Money Compass Foundation and the Junior Achievement Hungary Foundation, regard the financial education of future generations and the conscious handling of financial situations that arise in everyday life are their mission.

Within the framework of financial security, this year’s series of programmes focuses on digital security and insurance, and the “From Idea to Enterprise” programme is aimed at developing the entrepreneurial competence of students. The series of Money Week programmes is being made more colourful by the fact that students can also take part in various competitions, and will also have an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of everyday life with the involvement of volunteer financial experts and entrepreneurs. Hungary first joined the European Money Week initiative, which occurs simultaneously in some 30 countries, in 2015, and this year the programme is once again also linked to the Global Money Week series of events.

In recognition of its outstanding participation, Hungary was voted among the best in the series of Global Money Week programmes organised by Child and Youth Finance International for the third time in 2019. During the course of the programme, all the financial teaching materials of previous years are fully available, meaning schools that join the initiative can adapt to local demand and the level of competence of students and choose between courses on preparing the family budget, financial planning and saving, smart banking and loans, or investment. This year, teacher training is once again being facilitated by model videos, e-learning materials and webinars.

Detailed information is available in Hungarian on the www.penz7.hu website.