After Fitch and Standard and Poor’s, the credit rating agency Moody’s Investors Service has also awarded Hungarian government securities an investment grade. As a result, after international organisations and market investors, all three major credit rating agencies have likewise followed suit in recognising the achievements of Hungary’s economic policy.

At the end of 2011, Moody’s was the first to give Hungary a speculative rating. The downgrades carried out at the time barred Hungary from the more conservative investors whose rules require them to only purchase the government bonds of countries with an investment grade. In the light of the achievements of Hungary’s economic policy, credit rating agencies have gradually changed their approach during the course of the past few years: decisions improving the country’s outlook to stable and positive and upgrades came one after the other, and this time it is Moody’s that was last in line to have restored Hungary’s debtor rating to the investment grade.

Thanks to our successful economic policy, every one of Hungary’s macro-economic indicators has improved in recent years, and the rate of our sovereign debt is appreciably on the decrease. These are circumstances that not even the credit rating agencies could ignore.

(Ministry for National Economy)