Through the recently completed HUF 2.7bn project, Germany-based Rosenberger has expanded production capacity, updated technology and created more than fifty new jobs at its Hungarian facility in Jászárokszállás, Minister of State for the Utilization of EU Funds Balázs Rákossy said at the opening ceremony of the new production site.

As the Minister of State pointed out, the company’s project, which has been realized by using EU funding of HUF 780 million, helps the government to achieve the goal of full employment and reduce the unemployment rate to about 3 percent by 2018.

He stressed that the number of the company’s employees increased from about fifty in 2002 to more than 1400. Rosenberger is a manufacturer of car, telecom and electronics sector components, supplying world-class enterprises such Ericsson, Alcatel, Motorola, Siemens, Huawei, Audi, BMW, VW and Daimler.

In his words, it had been one of the main objectives of the government to create an economic environment which could facilitate development projects like the one in Jászárokszállás. Accordingly, monetary and fiscal stability have been restored in Hungary and, concurrently, the presence of productive enterprises has been improved on foreign markets. In the initial eleven months of 2014, the volume of exports and imports soared by 7.7 percent and 8.3 percent, respectively, while external trade posted a surplus of some EUR 6.2bn. He added that consumption growth, improving employment, the more efficient utilization of EU funding and state investment projects had all contributed to the country’s 3.6 percent annual GDP growth and ensure that the positive growth trend remains sustainable and stable in 2015.

As the Minister of State explained, the European Commission had recently approved Hungary’s six EU operative programmes and thus the way is cleared for launching the largest economic development scheme of all time. As 60 percent of the available funding, he stressed, is set to be disbursed for direct economic development, more resources will be spent on the creation of new jobs, R&D&I projects as well as the support of industrial projects and SMEs.

The upcoming tenders, which are expected to fuel economic development and competitiveness with some HUF 4200bn, will be simpler and more transparent than previous ones and refundable funds will be provided as a new financing facility.

Rosenberger Hungary Ltd CEO Francisco Papp said that adding 6200sqm to the existing facility increased the floor space of the production site to some 20 000sqm. The annual turnover of the company, he added, totals some HUF 9bn. The entire stock of products manufactured at Rosenberg is sold abroad, mainly in Europe and North- or South-America.

(Ministry for National Economy)