Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga met with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) Director General Li Yong to consult about Hungary’s re-industrialization policy. At the event, representatives of the organization called it an outstanding result that Hungary’s industrial output-to-GDP ratio of 23 percent places us among the most highly industrialized economies of the Europe.

Mihály Varga stated the Hungarian Government considers it a priority that industrial development shall help underprivileged regions close social and income gaps. Therefore, the country appreciates that the UNIDO has approved a Hungarian project aimed at social inclusion and the facilitating of job creation in deprived regions. Along with the Hungarian economy, the entire region may profit from the programme, the Minister added.

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Mihály Varga gave an overview of Hungary’s re-industrialization measures to the representatives of the organization through which the Government places special emphasis on developing the domestic industrial sector also in coming years. As the Minister stressed, the Government wants to significantly increase the industrial output-to-GDP ratio from the current 23 percent and keep this indicator among the best within the EU. The parties agreed that it is crucial to tailor vocational training courses to the demands of the industrial sector.

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The objective of the UNIDO is to assist emerging and developing countries in project planning and implementation. UNIDO development projects primarily focus on investment- and infrastructure development, job creation, social inclusion of underprivileged groups and the utilization of environmentally friendly technologies. The other main task of the organization is to act as an advisor and mediator of know-how in the fields of industrial strategy and industrial policy.

(Ministry for National Economy)