Minister of National Economy Mihály Varga said in connection with a critical report published by the European Commission that there was "absolutely no talk" about launching an excessive deficit procedure (EDP) against the country.

In response to the Commission criticising the tax system, including sectoral taxes, Mr Varga emphasised that Hungary has clearly stated that it has transformed its tax system, and sectoral taxes play a part in this.
In connection to the public work scheme, he pointed out that the Government was committed to offering people work rather than benefits.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry for National Economy

Apart from the ctricism, the EC report published on Tuesday acknowledged the recent pickup in economic growth, as newly installed car industry capacities were boosting exports and industrial output and domestic demand strengthened.

The EC statement was released after a visit to Hungary by a delegation between June 24 and 27 to review recent economic developments and policy initiatives in the context of post-programme surveillance linked to a 2008-2010 programme.

(Ministry of National Economy)