On the sidelines of the annual IMF-World Bank meeting, Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga held talks with leaders of several international financial institutions, members of the USA-Hungary Business Council and representatives of investor groups.

As the Minister stressed, perceptions of Hungary have turned positive as our partners have come to acknowledge the economic achievements of recent years.

Summing up the results of the Washington talks, Mihály Varga said that the success of economic reforms in Hungary was no longer disputed by international partners. Balanced and steady growth, pro-business legal environment and stable public finances are attracting more and more investors to Hungary, he added.

From among the meetings, the Minister singled out the one he had with World Bank Vice President Cyril Muller. Besides discussing current issues of the Hungarian Government and the World Bank, they also exchanged views on the international migration situation.

Mihály Varga also met with AIIB Vice President Sir Danny Alexander to discuss the planned expansion of the Bank and Hungary’s potential membership. Upon the invitation of IMF European Department Director Poul Thomsen, Mihály Varga also attended a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from Central and Eastern as well as Southeast Europe organized to overview global and regional economic issues and outlook.

The Minister also conferred with representatives of various international credit rating and financial institutions on topics concerning the Hungarian economy and the country’s growth outlook.

Mihály Varga attended an investor conference by Bank of America, where he informed investors of the current status of Hungary’s economy.

(Ministry for National Economy)